

HOW TO IMPROVE YOUR ENGLISH! There are many ways to improve your level of english: READ IT Read as many english books, newspapers and magazines as you can find. Make it a habit to read something in english apart from your school books. LISTEN TO IT Try some of the radio stations, such as the BBC Overseas service. They also have a very good website desingned to help English learners ( and teachers ). TALK IT Talk to friends who are also learning english. make a rule that perhaps for an hour, or so, when you go out together, you will only speak english to each other! Find people, who have near native fluency who will give you conservation practice. Don't be afraid to make mistakes. Every body makes mistakes , even native speakers. Focus on fluency first; accuracy will follow automatically when you gain confidance. How did you learn your mother-tongue?


PREFACE FOR LEARNING ENGLISH This miscellneyconsists of essays, stories and poems followed by grammer units and exercises. Care has been taken to select material that would provide pleasure as well as education and learning to children of adolescence age. Learning a leanguage is very easy---We acquire our nother tongue without any effort; but at the same time it is also difficult---Many of us struggle with a second language without much sucess. We need to go to the right way to learn a language. TO THE STUDENT Grammer and exercise are only requirements of the syllabus, not of learning a language. Did you learn the grammer of your mother-tongue when you were acquiring it? Most of you may still not know the grammer of your mother tongue but you speak it effortlessly . Following are certain important things that you should follow if you wish to use English productivle ( Speak And Write )


THE VOICE OF GOD I sought to hear the voice of GOD, And climbed the topmost steeple. But GOD declared;"Go down again, I dwell among the people". 

Beauty Of Colours


How to Teach a Baby to Talk

Teach a Baby to Talk Each day your baby is learning new things and you are there to see every blessed moment. Those new babbling sounds may not seem like much in the way of language, but if you listen with a sensitive ear, you will hear your baby trying to imitate sounds that you make back to you. Here is how to encourage baby's natural instinct to communicate. Instructions Let your baby lead the way. Most experts agree that you can push intellectual learning too fast which may result in emotional or even physical problems like stuttering, which is the opposite of what you want to accomplish. If the baby seems frustrated, tired or disinterested then forget about teaching your baby to talk and pick it up again in a week. Talk to your baby. When you talk to your baby, look him in the eye and watch his reaction. Some babies will watch your mouth intently and even try to imitate the mouth motions without making a sound at first. Make your speech slow and distinct. When havi

The Easy Ways To Interact With Your Baby

The Easy Ways To Interact With Your Baby Interaction with a baby is essential. They learn from your every move and sound, feel loved by your touch and bond with you during every minute you share. Daily care routines are interaction in themselves; learn additional ways to interact with your baby. Instructions Be involved in your baby's development as much as possible. If you are her primary caregiver, especially during the day, this will be simple. Activities such as feeding, diapering and rocking to sleep are very valuable forms of interaction. If you work during the day, make sure you fit in as many of these activities on your own as possible, including putting the baby to sleep. Breastfeed. As a mother, breastfeeding is a great form of interaction and bonding with baby, in addition to providing numerous health benefits. Make bath time fun. Baths incorporate touch, playing with water and learning new sights and sounds, especially with bath toys. Talk and play with your

About The Benefits Of Circumcision

The Benefits Of Circumcision Circumcision of a male infant is a hotly contested topic. Many new parents struggle with the decision to circumcise or not. Circumcision has benefits and many parents choose to have the procedure performed on their sons. Study urinary tract infections (UTI) in circumcised and uncircumcised boys. You want to lessen your child's risk of getting urinary tract infections. A circumcised infant is 10 times less likely to get a UTI than an uncircumcised baby boy, as well as the fevers associated with UTIs. Learn about balanitis. Reduce the likelihood that your son will get balanitis. This is a painful inflammation of the glands. Circumcision can prevent a common, sometimes recurring problem. Consider that the future may contain additional STD risks. Raise your son's protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Studies have shown that circumcised men are eight times less likely to get HIV than uncircumcised men. This is due in part to the fac