The Easy Ways To Interact With Your Baby

The Easy Ways To Interact With Your Baby

Interaction with a baby is essential. They learn from your every move and sound, feel loved by your touch and bond with you during every minute you share. Daily care routines are interaction in themselves; learn additional ways to interact with your baby.


  • Be involved in your baby's development as much as possible. If you are her primary caregiver, especially during the day, this will be simple. Activities such as feeding, diapering and rocking to sleep are very valuable forms of interaction. If you work during the day, make sure you fit in as many of these activities on your own as possible, including putting the baby to sleep.
  • Breastfeed. As a mother, breastfeeding is a great form of interaction and bonding with baby, in addition to providing numerous health benefits.
  • Make bath time fun. Baths incorporate touch, playing with water and learning new sights and sounds, especially with bath toys. Talk and play with your baby as you get him squeaky clean.
  • Talk to your baby whenever you are around him. You don't have to use the "Goo-goo, ga-ga" baby babble. Ask the baby questions, and explain what you're doing, even if you know he can't respond. You're still exposing him to sounds, tones and vocabulary.
  • Do physical activities. Go for walks with the stroller, or take a blanket to the living room floor or the backyard for special play time. Go to stores, parks and other places where the baby can people watch and learn about new things.
  • Give baby lots of one-on-one attention. Finding the little things that make her laugh and smile will create a happy baby who is social and enjoys others. Knowing these details about your child also increase the bond as a parent.
  • Make direct eye contact as much as possible when talking to or playing with the baby. This aspect of body language lets them know your attention is centered on them.


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