How To Make Coffee

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages all over the world. You can prepare coffee in a number of different ways and here is an article that will tell you how to make coffee with and without using a coffee maker.

A yummy refreshing cup of hot coffee makes a good start of the day. The definition of great cup of coffee changes from person from person, because each of us enjoys different tastes of coffee. Some like to have strong coffee while some enjoy drinking subtle coffee. Some of us like to add other flavors to the coffee, like vanilla, while some prefer drinking plain coffee. So, we can say that there are innumerable ways to make a great cup of coffee. Right selection of coffee beans, proper grinding, brewing, etc., together result in a wonderful coffee. So, do you want to know how to make coffee in different ways? Then take a look at some recipes given below.

Making Coffee With Coffee Maker

Coffee maker is one of the greatest inventions that can yield you a great cup of coffee, if you use it properly. But you should note that a good coffee can be made only by using a good coffee maker. So make sure you have purchased a coffee maker of good quality. A bad coffee maker can ruin the taste and aroma of your coffee. Given below are steps on how to make coffee.

Grinding the Coffee Powder: A good coffee can be made only with fresh quality coffee beans. So, you should always use freshly roasted and freshly grounded coffee beans. Coffee beans lose their aroma and taste if they are exposed to air and hence, make sure you have purchased freshly roasted coffee beans. Always store them in air-tight container and always buy small amount of coffee beans. Grind the coffee beans just before you start brewing your coffee. You should use a mill grinder or burr to grind your coffee beans. Avoid using blade grinder as it may not yield good coffee powder.

Setting the Coffee Maker: First take out the carafe or the coffee pitcher and rinse it out. Then fill the carafe with tap water. The water used for making coffee also decides the quality of the coffee. So, if your tap water is not so pure, you should use filtered or bottled water. Now, pour this water into the reservoir section of the coffee maker. Do not pour excess water and use only the water in the carafe. Next, remove the coffee filter cup. Dump the used wet grounded coffee in the coffee filter and wash the filter cup. Replace the used filter paper with a new filter paper. Place the filter cup along with the new filter paper in the coffee maker. Now to make a pot of coffee add around 4 scoops of freshly grounded coffee beans to the coffee filter.

Preparing the Coffee: Now, you are all set to prepare your coffee. All you need to do is simply switch on the coffee maker and wait for your carafe to fill. Once the coffee is collected in the carafe, pour the coffee into a coffee mug. You can add sugar and milk if required. Never reheat the coffee made in the coffee maker.


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