Antioxidants In Coffee

A layman's guide to antioxidants in coffee and its numerous benefits - this article contains a list of ways by which coffee benefits our bodies. A brief insight to its healing powers and secrets.

If someone was to stand at Times Square and ask coffee lovers to raise their hand, a whole lot of hands would go up! We early morning coffee junkies owe a lot to the sagacious shepherd who discovered this magical bean. Oh! Just the thought of starting a day without the morning espresso is frightening.

We know that coffee is brewed from coffee beans, it was taken from Ethiopia and brought to the rest of the world by the Arabs. What some of us may not know is that coffee has many antioxidants. In the ancient world, it was considered to have mystical powers. Recent research into this plant has moreover supported the claim that coffee in moderation is beneficial for health. It is said that the amount of antioxidants are four times the amount found in tea. Studies also show that coffee has more antioxidants than green tea, black tea or cocoa. But health specialists recommend not more than two to three cups a day of this delicious beverage.

Are There Antioxidants in Coffee?

Now you may be wondering, as to what antioxidants are. Well, the antioxidants in coffee are called 'polyphenols'. It also contains flavonoids, proanthocyanidins, stilbenes, lignins, cinnamic acids, coumarins, lignans and benzoic acids. Coffee also has high level of chlorogenic and caffeic acids, which are considered to be strong compounds. For many people, coffee is the only source of these antioxidants. Another antioxidant compound like quinines, increase the body's response to insulin thus, helping diabetics. Coffee also has a high amount of minerals like tocopherols and magnesium which aid in glucose metabolism. Trigonelline is another antioxidant which not only attributes to the ever popular whiff of coffee fragrance and the bitter taste, but also to antibacterial properties, which prevent dental cavities. The amount of antioxidants present in coffee are innumerable.The good news is that by roasting coffee beans, one can increase its antioxidant activity. So if you want to increase the antioxidant potency, roast your coffee beans for a longer period of time.

Benefits of Coffee

  • Drinking coffee cuts down the risk of liver cancer by almost half.
  • Antioxidant compounds in coffee are beneficial for many ailments like Alzheimer, Parkinson and type 2 diabetes.
  • Caffeine acts by stimulating the brain and nervous system. It improves alertness and mental activity.
  • Some people also drink coffee to treat headaches and improve concentration.
  • Some studies claim that it helps reduce the tendency to develop depression.
  • Drinking coffee also reduces the risk of gallstone disease and prevents stroke.
  • Coffee also helps the liver improve its performance, it prevents the cirrhosis of the liver.
  • It is beneficial for dealing with heartburn and osteoporosis.
  • Like it's said, coffee gives you an instant jolt to the brain and kick start detoxification in the body. So whether it is Italian, Irish, organic or frozen coffee drinks, you get an enchanting aroma packed with some cleansing antioxidants in just a mug of your favorite brew.


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