How To Get Schedule For Your Babies

Get A Schedule For Your Baby

Life is so much easier when you know what to expect. Not surprisingly, babies feel the same way and this leads to less fussiness. When you get babies on a schedule, they are confident that they will be fed at the same times throughout the day, they will get their necessary sleep and they know when it is time to sleep through the night.


  • Determine when your baby seems to be hungry and feed her at those times each day. Naturally, if she is hungry earlier, then you should feed her but she will usually want to eat at the same time every day.
  • Put your baby down for naps at the same time every day. As the baby grows, adjust the times accordingly. Eventually the naps will become consistent in duration.
  • Have a bedtime routine at the same time every night. When it is bedtime you can bathe your baby in a soothing manner while using soft music, chamomile body wash and dimmed lights. Give your baby a massage with lotion, get her dressed and put her to bed.
  • Plan your daily activities around your baby's nap schedule. If your baby naps at nine, noon and three then plan your daily activities between ten and noon or one and three.
  • Be flexible with the schedule. Try to stick to the schedule every day, but if your baby is sick or a crisis comes up, alter your routine as necessary.


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